Cultivating connections: the COMMUNITY-CENTRIC approach at farm to people

As co-founder and CEO, Michael Robinov sets the vision and strategy for Farm to People. Immersed in the natural food industry since a young age, his infectious obsession for food & technology has attracted an ambitious team who have successfully bootstrapped Farm to People and made the brand one of NYC's premier food delivery services. Michael's entrepreneurial spark was lit as a child running around in his father David's natural product stores and continued on olive and caper trips to the Mediterranean for his father's brands. In high school while working at the Union Square farmers market, Michael was moved by the people and stories behind the great food. After learning more about the industry and the role that large corporations play, Michael realized it was more important than ever for people to be informed about the origins of their food. Farm To People aims to help more folks in NYC access ethically grown food and to foster a community around sustainability! He was selected to Forbes 30U30, Class of 2021.



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